I See You

I am seeing my favorite movie star Won Bin. He is listening to music and tasting a cup of coffee in a cafe. Also he is talking about next work with movie director. He is hearing movie story. He looks very pleasureful and happy. Then he is going to go outdoor, he is smoking. He looks chic and lonely. Then he is  driving his car, he is going to go his home. He is entering his home, and he is taking a shower. After he took a shower, he is watching a movie that he is a leading actor. While he is watching a movie, he is sleeping slowly. He looks very peaceful. He is a good movie star because he passes a day pleasantly.

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1 Response to I See You

  1. mahythesis says:

    Well done on finally starting your homework which was due last Thursday. Now, please update this blog post, and take out the ‘enter’ keystrokes. Please make the start of the next sentence start on the SAME line as the end of the previous sentence.

    What you have now in your blog post is NOT a paragraph. You were asked to write a paragraph. You have written a list of sentences. Please change this writing into a real paragraph as soon as possible.

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